Dream Medicine for Your Soul with Robert Moss. Waking Up to a Deeper Reality.

Key Takeaways

  • Dreams are a powerful tool for healing and can help us connect with deeper aspects of ourselves.

  • Ancient shamanic dreamwork practices offer insights into reclaiming lost parts of the soul and discovering one's purpose.

  • Techniques like dream reentry and understanding dream symbols can offer guidance and transformation.

  • Engaging with dreams can lead to personal healing, spiritual encounters, and even future insights.

  • To start harnessing the power of your dreams, signing up for Robert Moss's 'Dream Medicine for Your Soul' is a practical first step.

  • Register for a 60-minute Dream Medicine Workshop with Robert Moss at no charge - click here

Dreams have always been a gateway to the soul, a nightly voyage into the depths of our subconscious. But what if we could do more than just experience them passively? What if we could use our dreams as a tool for healing and transformation? This is where the ancient practice of dreamwork, or 'soul medicine,' comes into play. It's an art that has been refined across cultures and millennia, and now you can access this wisdom through the teachings of Robert Moss.

How Dreams Can Heal the Soul

Let's start with the basics: dreams are not just random images; they are the language of our soul. They can provide us with insights, resolve inner conflicts, and even offer solutions to our daily problems. By engaging with our dreams, we tap into a wellspring of wisdom that can promote profound healing.

Discover Your Dream Medicine

To truly benefit from dream medicine, we must first learn to recall and interpret the stories that play out in our sleep. This is not just about remembering what you dreamt about last night. It's about understanding the symbols, emotions, and narratives that your soul is communicating to you.

The Wisdom of Ancient Dreamwork

Throughout history, dreamwork has been a sacred practice. Aboriginal cultures viewed dreams as a time of soul travel and learning from ancestral spirits. The ancient Egyptians believed dreams were messages from the gods. In Celtic traditions, dreams were revered as prophecies and insights from the Otherworld.

Aboriginal Dreamtime Healing

In Aboriginal spirituality, 'The Dreamtime' is the sacred era in which ancestral Totemic Spirit Beings created the world. The concept of Dreamtime is deeply intertwined with the land, the spirituality, and the culture of the people. Dreams are not just seen as personal experiences but as communal wisdom passed through generations.

Egyptian Dream Practices for the Soul

For the Egyptians, dreams were a form of divine communication and a means of healing. They often sought dream oracles and slept in sacred 'dream beds' to receive guidance. The dream priests would help interpret these nocturnal messages to ensure the right course of action in their waking lives.

Now, let's delve deeper into these rich traditions and learn how they can inform our modern practice of dreamwork.

Understanding Dream Symbols

Dream symbols are the signposts of the soul, a universal language that transcends the barriers of the conscious mind. To understand them is to speak directly to the deeper parts of ourselves. For instance, water in dreams often symbolizes emotions, while flying might indicate a desire for freedom or escape. But symbols can be highly personal, too. A childhood home might represent a need for security or a return to simplicity.

Learning the language of your dreams starts with keeping a dream journal. Write down everything you can remember upon waking, even if it seems trivial or nonsensical. Over time, patterns will emerge, and symbols will begin to reveal their meanings to you. It's like learning a new language—one that speaks directly to your soul.

Dreams as Maps to the Spiritual Journey

Dreams are more than just nighttime narratives; they are the maps of our spiritual journey. They can guide us through life's challenges and point us towards our true path. Have you ever had a dream that felt like a profound truth was revealed to you? That's your inner compass speaking, showing you the way. It's essential to pay attention to these dreams and reflect on them during your waking hours. They often hold the keys to the questions we're too busy to ask ourselves when we're awake.

Embracing Your Dreams to Transform Reality

Most importantly, our dreams have the power to shape our reality. By bringing the insights from our dreams into our waking life, we can manifest our desires and transform our world. It's not magic; it's a matter of aligning our subconscious wisdom with our conscious actions. When we live in harmony with our inner truths, the universe has a way of rearranging itself to help us on our path.

How to Manifest Desires Through Dreaming

To manifest desires through dreaming, start by setting an intention before you sleep. What do you seek? Healing, guidance, a solution to a problem? Hold that intention as you drift off. Then, upon waking, take a moment to recall your dream and connect it to your intention. What did your dream teach you? How can you apply that lesson today? By doing this regularly, you're training your mind to bridge the gap between dreams and reality.

Engaging with Spiritual Guides in Dreams

In your dreams, you might encounter figures that offer wisdom or comfort—these could be your spiritual guides. Engaging with these guides can provide clarity and support on your journey. It might be a loved one who has passed, a historical figure you admire, or even an animal with symbolic significance. Listen to their messages; they're often answers to the questions you've been asking.

Healing through the Shamanic Dream Journey

Shamanic dream journeying is a practice where you enter a dream with a purpose, often for healing or gaining knowledge. This is not passive dreaming; it's an active exploration of the dream world. You might set out to retrieve a lost part of your soul or to seek healing for a particular aspect of your life. With practice and guidance, you can learn to navigate these journeys for profound personal transformation.

Start Your Dream Healing Practice

Beginning your dream healing practice might feel daunting, but it's a journey worth embarking on. You can start simply by paying more attention to your dreams and considering what they might be trying to tell you. Remember, every dream is a message from the soul. Treat them with curiosity and respect, and you'll start to unlock their healing potential.

Taking the First Step: 12 Practices to Incorporate

Here are some practices to get you started on your dream healing journey:

  • Keep a dream journal and write in it first thing every morning.

  • Before going to bed, meditate on a question or problem you'd like insight on.

  • Learn about common dream symbols and what they might mean for you.

  • Practice mindfulness during the day to improve dream recall at night.

  • Share your dreams with a trusted friend or a dreamwork group for different perspectives.

Connecting with the Dreaming Community

One of the most powerful aspects of dreamwork is the community it creates. Sharing your dreams with others and hearing theirs can provide new insights and foster a deep sense of connection. Look for dreamwork groups, online forums, or workshops where you can learn from and support each other on this journey.

Sign Up for 'Dream Medicine for Your Soul' with Robert Moss

If you're ready to dive deeper into the world of dreams and harness their healing power, consider signing up for Dream Medicine for Your Soul with Robert Moss. This free online event will guide you through 12 ways of dreaming across time and cultures, adding to your practices and expanding your understanding of the dream world. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a master and connect with a community of like-minded dreamers.

Remember, your dreams are a rich resource waiting to be explored. They hold the potential for healing, growth, and transformation. By signing up for 'Dream Medicine for Your Soul,' you're taking a significant step towards unlocking that potential. Join us on this adventure into the soul's deepest realms, where every dream is a step on the path to awakening.


Embarking on a journey of dream exploration can be as transformative as any waking experience. It's a personal adventure that can reveal the deepest truths about our lives, our desires, and our destinies. To guide you on this path, let's address some frequently asked questions that might arise as you awaken to the deeper reality of your dreams.

What is Dream Medicine?

Dream medicine is the practice of using our dreams for healing and personal growth. It's based on the understanding that our dreams can communicate messages from our subconscious, and even from a collective spiritual realm. These messages can provide insights into our emotional and spiritual well-being, offering us a form of medicine for the soul.

How Can Dreamwork Improve My Life?

Dreamwork can improve your life by offering clarity and guidance. It can help resolve inner conflicts, make sense of complex emotions, and provide direction when you feel lost. By engaging with your dreams, you can tap into a wellspring of creativity, find solutions to problems, and connect with a deeper sense of purpose.

What Does it Mean to 'Journey' in Your Dreams?

To 'journey' in your dreams means to engage actively with the dream world. It's a deliberate exploration of the landscapes and narratives that unfold in your sleep. This can be for the purpose of self-discovery, healing, or even to gain wisdom from spiritual guides. Journeying in your dreams is a way to traverse the boundaries of your conscious mind and access the profound insights that lie within.

Can Dreams Reveal My Soul's Desires?

Absolutely. Dreams often reflect our deepest desires and fears—those we might not even be aware of when we're awake. They can bring to light what we truly want in life, helping us to understand our soul's calling. Paying attention to recurring themes or symbols in your dreams can be incredibly revealing about what your soul is yearning for.

How to Start Remembering and Interpreting My Dreams?

Remembering and interpreting your dreams begins with the intention to do so. Keep a dream journal by your bed and write down whatever you can recall first thing in the morning. Over time, you'll notice patterns and symbols that recur. Reflect on these, and consider what they might mean in the context of your life. If you're struggling to interpret your dreams, joining a dreamwork group or seeking the guidance of a teacher like Robert Moss can provide valuable insights.

In conclusion, the journey of dreamwork is a deeply personal and transformative one. It's a path that requires curiosity, openness, and a willingness to explore the unknown territories of your own psyche. As you embark on this journey, remember that you're not alone. There are guides like Robert Moss and communities of fellow dreamers ready to support you along the way.

For those who feel the call to delve deeper into the world of dream medicine, signing up for Dream Medicine for Your Soul with Robert Moss is an excellent step. This free online event is a gateway to understanding and utilizing the transformative power of dreams. It's an opportunity to learn from one of the most renowned teachers of dreamwork and to connect with a global community of seekers.

Your dreams are waiting for you. They are ready to take you on a journey of healing, discovery, and awakening. Are you ready to follow them?

Register for a 60-minute Dream Medicine Workshop with Robert Moss at no charge - click here

Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and (&) Healing

Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing - A Transformative Practice


  • Shamanic journeying is a transformative practice that offers guidance and healing.

  • Setting a clear intention is crucial for a meaningful shamanic journey.

  • The journey involves travelling to spiritual realms to meet power animals and spirit guides.

  • Preparing for your journey includes creating a sacred space and entering a trance-like state.

  • Interpreting the insights from your journey can bring profound changes to your everyday life.

Embark on a Shamanic Journey

Imagine you can traverse spiritual landscapes, meet wise beings, and uncover insights that could profoundly heal and guide you in your life. This isn't just a flight of fancy; it's an ancient practice known as shamanic journeying. It's a method used for centuries by shamans to enter a trance state and travel to non-ordinary realms for wisdom and healing.

What is Shamanic Journeying?

Shamanic journeying is the process of entering an altered state of consciousness, allowing you to connect with a parallel world filled with helping spirits. This practice is rooted in the belief that all answers and healing we seek are available to us in the spiritual realms. In these realms, time and space operate differently, and you can access guidance that transcends your everyday experience.

Most importantly, shamanic journeying is not about escaping reality, but rather about empowering you to face it with greater wisdom and courage. It's a tool for personal transformation that can enhance your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

The Role of Intention in Your Journey

Your journey begins with intention. Just like setting a destination before starting a trip, your intention guides your spiritual journey. Whether you seek healing for a physical ailment, clarity on a life decision, or a deeper understanding of your life's purpose, the clarity of your intention shapes your experience.

Therefore, before you start your journey, take time to reflect on what you wish to receive or understand. Your intention should be specific and positive, such as 'I wish to understand the source of my anxiety' or 'I want to find ways to improve my relationship with my partner.' This focus will direct your spirit allies to provide the guidance you need.

The Spiritual Landscapes of Shamanism

Understanding the Three Worlds

In shamanic cosmology, there are three main spiritual worlds: the Lower World, the Upper World, and the Middle World. Each of these worlds has its own characteristics and inhabitants, and they serve different purposes in your journey.

  • The Lower World is often associated with nature, animals, and ancestral spirits. It's a place to seek healing and wisdom from the past.

  • The Upper World is the realm of higher spirits, teachers, and enlightened ancestors. Here, you can gain insight into spiritual lessons and future paths.

  • The Middle World is parallel to our physical world but on a spiritual plane. You can work on issues directly related to your current life here.

Because each world offers different insights, knowing where to journey based on your intention is essential. For instance, if you're looking for a spirit guide, you might venture to the Upper World, while for personal healing, the Lower World could be more appropriate.

Significance of Power Animals and Spirit Guides

During your shamanic journeys, you'll likely encounter various spirit beings. Among the most significant are power animals and spirit guides. These compassionate beings act as protectors and advisors, offering their strength, wisdom, and healing energy.

Power animals are spirit manifestations of real animals, each carrying specific qualities and teachings. A bear might offer strength and introspection, while an eagle could bring clarity and a higher perspective. Embracing the power animal that comes forward for you can bring profound insights and support.

Your First Journey: Preparing for Takeoff

Embarking on your first shamanic journey can be exhilarating and a bit daunting. But with the right preparation, you can set the stage for a safe and enlightening experience. Here's how to get started:

Creating Sacred Space and Protection

Before you begin, it's important to create a sacred space where you feel safe and undisturbed. This could be a quiet room, a spot in nature, or any place where you can relax fully. You might want to include items that hold spiritual significance for you, like crystals, feathers, or images of your power animal.

Protection is also key in shamanic practice. You can invoke protection by visualizing a bubble of light around you, calling on your spirit guides, or setting a protective boundary with salt or stones. This ensures that only positive and helpful energies accompany you on your journey.

Learning to Listen: The Beat of Your Drum

The rhythmic beat of a drum is a universal tool for inducing the trance-like state necessary for shamanic journeying. The drumbeat acts as a 'horse' that carries you into the spiritual realms. You can use a recorded drumming track, or if you're fortunate, work with a live drummer.

As you listen to the drumming, focus on your breath and allow yourself to relax. With each beat, feel yourself going deeper into a state of calm. When you're ready, envision an entrance to the world you wish to journey to — this could be a tunnel, a path in the forest, or a staircase in the sky.

Remember, the key to successful shamanic journeying is to let go of expectations and allow the experience to unfold. Trust that your spirit guides will lead you where you need to go.

Interpreting Visionary Insights

When you return from a shamanic journey, you may carry with you a tapestry of vivid imagery, emotions, and sometimes even direct messages. These are your visionary insights, and they hold the keys to your healing and guidance. It's important to approach these insights with an open heart and mind, understanding that they may not always be literal but rather symbolic.

When to Seek Guidance Versus Healing

There's a subtle yet powerful difference between seeking guidance and healing on your shamanic journey. You seek guidance when you need clarity on a decision or situation. Healing, on the other hand, is called for when there's a need to address emotional, physical, or spiritual pain. Your intention will determine which type of journey you embark upon, and the insights you receive will align with that intention.

For example, if you're struggling with a personal issue, you might journey to the Upper World for guidance from your spirit teachers. But if you're carrying the weight of an old wound, a journey to the Lower World for healing from a power animal might be more appropriate.

Bringing Back and Integrating Your Insights

After your journey, it's crucial to bring back the insights and integrate them into your life. This can be a gradual process, where the meaning of your visions becomes clearer over time. Patience is key. Some insights may make immediate sense, while others might need to unfold as you walk your path.

Journaling Your Journey for Deeper Understanding

One of the best ways to process your journey is through journaling. Write down everything you remember, no matter how insignificant it might seem. Describe the landscapes you visited, the beings you encountered, and the feelings you experienced. Over time, patterns may emerge, and the messages of your journey will become more apparent.

Applying Shamanic Wisdom in Daily Life

The true power of shamanic journeying lies in applying the wisdom you've gained to your daily life. This might mean changing behaviors, mending relationships, or even shifting your career path to align more closely with your soul's purpose. Allow the insights from your journey to guide you in making decisions that resonate with your inner truth.

Enhancing Your Practice: Advanced Techniques

As you grow more comfortable with shamanic journeying, you may feel called to explore advanced techniques to deepen your practice. These can include working with different drumming rhythms, integrating other tools like rattles or bells, and exploring various types of journeys for specific purposes.

Some advanced techniques you might explore include:

  • Embarking on a journey to retrieve a lost part of your soul, known as soul retrieval.

  • Engaging in a journey for divination purposes to gain insight into future possibilities.

  • Practicing psychopomp work, where you help guide the souls of the deceased.

These practices require a strong foundation in the basics of shamanic journeying, so it's essential to be patient and build your skills gradually.

Shamanic Chanting and Movement

Beyond the drum, shamanic chanting and movement can be powerful tools for entering the shamanic state of consciousness. Chanting can help focus the mind and call in spiritual assistance, while movement can help to embody the journey, making it a more visceral experience.

Journeying for Others: Ethical Considerations

As you become more adept at shamanic journeying, you might feel called to journey on behalf of others. This is a sacred responsibility and should be approached with humility and respect. Always seek consent before journeying for someone else, and be clear about your role as a conduit rather than a healer. It's their journey; you're simply assisting.

The Healing Power of Community Journeys

Shamanic journeying can be a profoundly personal experience, but there's also incredible power in community journeys. When a group comes together with a shared intention, the collective energy can amplify the healing and guidance available.

Fostering Connectedness Through Group Ceremony

Participating in a group ceremony can create a sense of connectedness not only with the other participants but also with the wider web of life. It's an opportunity to support and be supported, to give and receive wisdom, and to experience the power of collective intention.

Group ceremonies often involve a shared journeying experience, where each participant journeys with a common intention. Afterwards, sharing insights can lead to collective wisdom that benefits the entire group.

Whether it's a circle of friends or a larger community gathering, the shared experience of shamanic journeying can lead to profound transformations on both individual and collective levels.

  • Engaging in group drumming to unify intentions and energies.

  • Creating a community altar where each person contributes an item of significance.

  • Sharing stories and insights post-journey to weave together the wisdom of the group.

Examples of Collective Shamanic Healing

Consider the story of a community that came together to journey for the healing of their local environment. Each member found themselves connecting with a spirit of the land, and upon returning, they shared their insights. This led to a collective initiative to clean up a polluted river, guided by the wisdom received in their journeys.

Such stories are not uncommon, and they highlight the potential for shamanic journeying to not only transform individuals but also to inspire collective action and healing. By tapping into the wisdom of the spirit world, we can find innovative solutions to the challenges we face in the physical world.

Deepening Your Practice with Further Learning

As you become more confident and experienced in your shamanic journeying, you may feel an urge to deepen your practice. This could involve seeking out workshops, connecting with a shamanic community, or finding a mentor. Learning from others can provide you with new perspectives and techniques that enrich your journeying experiences.

Another way to deepen your practice is by consistently setting aside time for journeying. The more you engage with the shamanic realms, the stronger your connections with your spirit guides will become. This consistent practice can lead to more profound and insightful journeys that have a greater impact on your life.

Watch Now: Accessing Higher Guidance through Shamanic Journeying

If you're ready to explore the transformative power of shamanic journeying further, there's an invaluable resource we recommend. "The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying" is a free virtual event hosted by Sandra Ingerman, a world-renowned teacher of shamanism. This workshop will expand your understanding of shamanic journeying and provide you with the tools to access wisdom and healing from the spiritual realms.

Click Here to >> Watch now and step into the world of shamanic journeying.

Frequently Asked Questions

When embarking on the path of shamanic journeying, you may have many questions. Here are answers to some of the most common queries:

How often should I engage in shamanic journeying?

The frequency of your journeys can vary depending on your personal needs and schedule. Some may journey several times a week, while others may find once a month sufficient. The key is to journey regularly enough to maintain your connection with the spiritual realms without feeling overwhelmed. Listen to your intuition—it will guide you to the right balance.

Can shamanic journeying be self-taught?

While it's possible to learn the basics of shamanic journeying on your own, especially with the wealth of resources available today, having a teacher or mentor can greatly enhance your understanding and practice. A knowledgeable guide can offer you personalized advice and support as you navigate the spiritual realms.

Is shamanic journeying safe?

When approached with respect and proper preparation, shamanic journeying is generally safe. It's important to create a protected space and have clear intentions before you begin. If you're ever in doubt, seek guidance from experienced practitioners or join a workshop to ensure you're practising safely.

How do I know if my journeying experience is 'real'?

The experiences you have while journeying may be unlike anything you've encountered in your waking life. They may feel dreamlike, but the insights and healing they provide are very real. Trust in your experiences and the feelings they evoke. Over time, the positive changes in your life will affirm the reality of your journeys.

What if I don't encounter any spirit guides?

Not encountering spirit guides can be a common concern for beginners. Remember, every journey is unique, and sometimes the guidance comes in subtle forms. It might be a symbol, a feeling, or an idea that pops into your head later. Stay open and patient, and with practice, your guides will make themselves known to you.

How Can I Join The Free Online Shamanic Journeying Workshop?

Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing

If you’re interested in learning this powerful skill, you won’t want to miss a free, virtual event with Sandra Ingerman, world-renowned teacher of shamanism, called: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits.

Time of the Sixth Sun - Awakening Movie and 8 Part Documentary Series

Embark on a transformative journey with "Time of the Sixth Sun," a documentary film and eight-part series that delves into the awakening of global consciousness. This visual masterpiece is not just a film; it's an invitation to perceive the world and our place in it through a new lens—one of heart-centred connection and spiritual awakening.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the concept of the "Sixth Sun" and its significance in indigenous prophecies.

  • Explore the themes of awakening and transformation presented in the movie.

  • Discover the wisdom shared by over 75 indigenous elders from around the world.

  • Learn how the documentary series complements the movie with in-depth explorations of consciousness.

  • Find out how to access this life-changing content and start your journey of awakening.

Awakening Themes in the Movie

"Time of the Sixth Sun" is not just a documentary; it's a wake-up call. It presents a tapestry of themes that resonate with the very core of our being. At the heart of the film lies the message of transition from mind to heart, a shift from ego-based existence to living in a place of love and unity. Most importantly, it challenges viewers to consider their role in the collective evolution of humanity. The movie interweaves personal transformation with planetary healing, suggesting that the change we seek in the world begins within each of us. As we witness the stories of individuals from diverse backgrounds, we're encouraged to reflect on our own lives and the impact we have on our surroundings.

Exploring the 8-Part Documentary Series

Complementing the movie, the eight-part documentary series dives deeper into the wisdom and insights of the featured elders and thought leaders. Each episode is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering practical guidance for personal growth and spiritual development. The series covers a broad spectrum of topics, including:

  • The role of ancient prophecies in today's world

  • Understanding the interconnectedness of all life

  • Practices for cultivating inner peace and harmony

  • Embracing the power of community and collaboration

By engaging with the series, you embark on a journey that spans the globe, connecting with the profound teachings of cultures that have thrived for millennia. It's an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to be part of a movement towards a more conscious and heart-centred world.

An Insight into Global Consciousness

The concept of global consciousness is at the forefront of "Time of the Sixth Sun." It's the recognition that we are all part of a greater whole, each of us contributing to the collective energy that shapes our reality. The documentary invites us to consider how our thoughts, emotions, and actions influence the web of life, urging us to take responsibility for the energy we put out into the world.

Defining the Sixth Sun

According to ancient Mesoamerican beliefs, the cosmos operates in grand cycles of time, each with its own characteristics and energy. The "Sixth Sun" is a term derived from these indigenous prophecies, signifying a new era of light and awakening. It's said to be a time when humanity will experience a profound shift in consciousness, moving away from darkness and into a period of enlightenment and rebirth. The film "Time of the Sixth Sun" explores this pivotal transition, offering insights from those who have preserved these teachings through the ages. It's a call to embrace the light within and to contribute to the dawning of this new epoch.

Relevance to Modern Spirituality

In a world where modern life often feels disconnected from spirit, "Time of the Sixth Sun" serves as a bridge, reconnecting us to the essence of who we are. It speaks to the seeker in all of us, those yearning for a deeper understanding of life's mysteries and our place in the universe. The documentary resonates with modern spirituality by acknowledging that the answers we seek are not found in the external world but within the sacred space of our own hearts. It encourages us to look inward, to meditate, to commune with nature, and to engage with our communities in meaningful ways. By presenting ancient wisdom in a way that's accessible to the contemporary viewer, "Time of the Sixth Sun" acts as a catalyst for personal and collective transformation. It's a reminder that spirituality is not confined to temples or texts, but is alive within each of us, waiting to be awakened. Therefore, as we delve into the themes and wisdom of "Time of the Sixth Sun," we're not just watching a film; we're participating in a global movement towards a more awakened, compassionate, and connected world. And it all starts with the simple yet profound act of tuning in and opening our hearts to the message it brings. To begin this transformative experience, you can [Watch Now](https://timeofthesixthsunlaunch.com) and join the wave of individuals awakening to their true potential.

Wisdom of the Ages for Today's Seekers

The "Time of the Sixth Sun" documentary movie is a treasure chest brimming with the timeless wisdom of indigenous elders from around the world. These are the voices of those who have carried the torch of their ancestors' knowledge, a flame that has been passed down through countless generations. Their messages are a blend of prophecy, caution, and hope, offering guidance for a planet in the midst of profound change.

Messages from Indigenous Elders

The indigenous elders featured in the documentary speak of unity, respect for the Earth, and the interconnectedness of all life. They share stories and teachings that underscore the importance of living in harmony with nature and each other. Their words are not just lessons from the past; they are blueprints for building a sustainable future. Here are some of the core messages you'll discover:

  • The importance of living with gratitude and reverence for the world around us.

  • Understanding our role as stewards of the Earth and protectors of its resources.

  • The power of community and the strength found in coming together for a common purpose.

  • Embracing change as a natural part of life and an opportunity for growth.

Roles of Visionary Thought Leaders

Alongside the wisdom of the elders, "Time of the Sixth Sun" also features visionary thought leaders from various disciplines. These are the innovators, the change-makers, the pioneers of new paradigms who are bridging ancient knowledge with modern science. They contribute a diverse range of perspectives on spirituality, consciousness, and human potential, helping to contextualise the ancient teachings within the framework of contemporary life.

Embarking on a Heart-Centered Transformation

The call to a heart-centered culture is perhaps the most resonant and urgent theme within "Time of the Sixth Sun." It's about shifting from a society driven by individualism and competition to one that prioritises compassion, cooperation, and community. This transformation begins within the heart of each individual, as we learn to lead with love in our thoughts, words, and actions.

The Call to a Heart-Centered Culture

The documentary underscores the belief that the path to a better world is paved with acts of kindness, empathy, and understanding. It's a call to recognise the divine spark within each person and to treat all life with the dignity it deserves. By fostering a heart-centred approach to living, we can create ripples of positive change that will reverberate throughout our societies and the planet.

Practical Steps for Personal Shift

To embark on this journey of transformation, "Time of the Sixth Sun" suggests several practical steps that anyone can take:

  • Start by cultivating mindfulness and awareness in your daily life.

  • Engage in regular practices that connect you to your heart, such as meditation or spending time in nature.

  • Make conscious choices that reflect your commitment to a heart-centred way of being, from the food you eat to the products you buy.

  • Seek out like-minded communities that support your spiritual growth and share your values.

Community Reception and Impact Measurement

Since its release, "Time of the Sixth Sun" has touched the lives of countless viewers, sparking conversations and inspiring action across the globe. The impact of the film and series is measured not just in the number of views, but in the profound personal transformations shared by those who have watched it. Viewers speak of a newfound sense of purpose, a deeper connection to the Earth, and a rekindled hope for humanity's future. The documentary has become a catalyst for community building, with many forming discussion groups, workshops, and events centred around the themes presented in the film. The community reception is a testament to the power of storytelling and the universal longing for a more awakened and heart-centred existence. As more and more people join this wave of transformation, the vision of a new Earth, as depicted in "Time of the Sixth Sun," becomes an ever-closer reality. To be part of this global awakening and to immerse yourself in the wisdom of the ages, take the next step on your spiritual journey and [Watch Now](https://timeofthesixthsunlaunch.com).

Testimonials and Viewer Experiences

The voices of those who have watched "Time of the Sixth Sun" are powerful endorsements of its impact. Viewers from all walks of life have shared their heartfelt testimonials, speaking to the profound shifts in perspective and life changes they've experienced. Here's what some have said:

"After watching 'Time of the Sixth Sun,' I felt a deep connection to the Earth and all its inhabitants. It's as if my eyes were opened to a new way of being, one that's filled with compassion and hope for the future." - Emily, Australia

"This documentary series has been a journey of self-discovery for me. It's inspired me to live more consciously and to seek out ways to contribute positively to my community." - Raj, India

These stories are just a glimpse into the transformative power of this documentary. They underscore the potential for films like this not only to entertain but to enlighten and inspire real change.

The Ripple Effect of Awakening Films

Awakening films have a unique ability to touch the heart and stir the soul, often leading to a ripple effect that extends far beyond the initial viewing experience. "Time of the Sixth Sun" is no exception. As individuals awaken to new understandings and begin to live out the teachings shared in the film, they influence those around them, creating waves of transformation across communities and eventually, the world. This ripple effect can manifest in various ways, from changes in personal habits and lifestyle to involvement in social and environmental activism. The film encourages viewers to be the change they wish to see, and as a result, it's not just a movie—it's a movement.

Knowledge Shared Across Cultures and Lands

"Time of the Sixth Sun" is a celebration of wisdom that transcends borders and unites us in our shared human experience. The documentary presents a rare opportunity to hear from indigenous elders and wisdom keepers from across the globe, each offering their unique perspective yet echoing similar truths about life, existence, and our place in the cosmos.

Global Storytelling and Cinematic Beauty

The film is a masterpiece of global storytelling, showcasing the stunning beauty of our planet and the diverse cultures that call it home. Through breathtaking cinematography, viewers are transported to sacred sites and remote lands, all while being immersed in the stories and traditions that have shaped human understanding for millennia. The visual narrative of "Time of the Sixth Sun" is as captivating as it is enlightening, making it a must-see for anyone interested in the art of filmmaking and the power of visual storytelling.

The Interconnectedness of Sacred Teachings

One of the most striking aspects of "Time of the Sixth Sun" is the way it weaves together the sacred teachings of different cultures, highlighting the interconnectedness of their wisdom. Despite geographical distances and cultural differences, there is a common thread that runs through these ancient teachings—a universal understanding of balance, harmony, and the sacredness of life. This interconnectedness is a powerful reminder that we are all part of a greater whole and that the wisdom of one tradition can illuminate the path for all.

Bringing the Documentary to Life

The creation of "Time of the Sixth Sun" was a labour of love and dedication, spanning over a decade of filming and research. The journey to bring this documentary to life was filled with challenges, adventures, and profound learning experiences for all involved.

Inside the 11-Year Filming Odyssey

The filmmakers embarked on an 11-year odyssey, travelling to 16 countries to capture the essence of the wisdom they sought to share. They met with over 75 wisdom keepers, each with their own story to tell, and meticulously wove these narratives into a cohesive and compelling film. The process was not just about recording interviews; it was about building relationships, earning trust, and honouring the sacredness of the knowledge being shared. This incredible journey was driven by a deep commitment to authenticity and respect for the cultures and individuals featured in the documentary. The result is a film that not only educates but also honours the wisdom keepers and their traditions, offering viewers an authentic glimpse into the heart of humanity's spiritual heritage. The dedication of the filmmakers and the wisdom shared by the elders come together to create a documentary that is both a visual feast and a soul-nourishing experience. To witness this incredible journey and to be part of the awakening it inspires, remember to [Watch Now](https://timeofthesixthsunlaunch.com) and let the transformation unfold within you.

The Making of a Movement-Centric Film

Creating "Time of the Sixth Sun" was more than a cinematic endeavour; it was the cultivation of a movement. The filmmakers were not just behind the camera; they were activists, advocates, and allies to the message of awakening they hoped to spread. Their mission was clear: to craft a film that didn't just inform but transformed, igniting a global shift towards higher consciousness and a more harmonious existence. The production process was a conscious effort to mirror the values espoused in the film. Every decision, from location scouting to post-production, was made with intention and integrity. The result is a film that doesn't just tell a story—it invites viewers to become a part of the story, to join a community of seekers and change-makers dedicated to creating a new paradigm for our world.

The Spiritual Soundtrack of Our Times

As we navigate through these transformative times, "Time of the Sixth Sun" emerges as a beacon of light, guiding us towards a path of spiritual awakening. It is an open invitation to all who feel the stirrings of change within their hearts, to all who seek to understand the deeper truths of existence. The film and series are more than media to consume; they are experiences to immerse oneself in, to be moved by, and to grow from.

Spiritual Awakening at Your Fingertips

The beauty of "Time of the Sixth Sun" is that it brings spiritual awakening right to your fingertips. In an age where technology can often distract and disconnect us, here it serves a higher purpose: to connect us with wisdom that can transform our lives. The film and series are easily accessible, allowing anyone with an internet connection to partake in this journey of enlightenment from the comfort of their own home.

How to Access Time of the Sixth Sun

To access "Time of the Sixth Sun" and begin your journey of awakening, simply follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website by clicking Watch Now or visiting https://timeofthesixthsunlaunch.com

  • Opt-in with your email to receive free access to the movie and documentary series.

  • Set aside time in your schedule to fully engage with the content, free from distractions.

  • Watch with an open heart and mind, allowing the wisdom of the film to resonate with you.

  • Share the experience with friends and family, inviting them to join the movement towards global consciousness.

By taking these steps, you're not just watching a film; you're participating in a global awakening, joining a community of souls who are collectively heeding the call to rise and embrace a new dawn.

So, take the leap, open your heart, and let "Time of the Sixth Sun" be your guide to a more awakened and connected existence. Remember, the time to watch and awaken is now.


The wait is over Tribe! Exciting times ahead...

The wait is over Tribe! Exciting times ahead...

Sorry for the long wait and thank you for your patience.

We’re delighted to share with you that 'Time of the Sixth Sun' is on its final journey.

We’re back in post production, so please keep your eye on this page and we’ll be updating you regularly.

Having just got back from Australia filming the finishing sequences, our editors are now making final selections from the incredible amount of footage we’ve shot over the years. There are a few crew pics taken on our phones from the recent trip below.

So when? It has been an incredible journey to get this far. This film has always been guided by spirit so we’re trusting in spirit timing not human timing. But we’re on it and will be releasing the movie in early to mid 2018.

The even better news is that we’ve decided to let you enjoy the film for free when it’s released online.

To be amongst the first to watch Time of the Sixth Sun, please click this link:-


Let us know if you’re excited by commenting below and help us let as many people know about this consciousness raising movie by sharing the link above with your friends too?


Nikki & Theo

1st February 2015 - IMBOLC BLESSINGS

1st February 2015 - IMBOLC BLESSINGS

As my wise crow sister pointed out to me this morning… today we are still in the thick of winter, when food stocks would traditionally have been getting low.  We are sitting in the void, in that in between space.  Not mid winter and not yet spring.  Seeds are still germinating, full of the potential of their own blooming. The snowdrop shows us the way, as it reaches for the light, reminding us that we too will emerge soon into the sunshine.  Into spring.  Into the fullness of our beings once again.



As we commence our journey back to the light, it is a time often referred to as ‘the quickening’. The qualities held around this time of Imbolc, traditionally holds the spark of new beginnings and a year returning. Imbolc also known as Oimelc, is the Celtic word for the festival of The White Goddess Brigid, or The Light Bringer. “She is the 'Lady of the Shores', for the shore is one of those magical in-between places that so fascinated the Celts. These in-between places such as shorelines, fords, doorways and so on, were neither one state nor the other. The shore is neither dry land, nor is it the sea, yet it is the meeting place of both. If we consider that the land represents our solid, material world, while the sea represents the Great Cosmic womb of all life, the intuitive side of our nature, we can see that the shore is a meeting place between one world and another.”

This is maybe understood better by us as the void.



After a year’s break, we are back and on track…

Thanksgiving always gives us a moment to sit in gratitude for what we have created in our lives, both good and bad, and to glimpse the bigger picture of why we created it. It’s a time of going within at this darkest time of the year, knowing that we will be emerging into the light again all too soon.



The film was conceived in early 2004. Inspired initially by the film ‘One Giant Leap’. Little did we know back then that we were embarking on a decade of filming, intermittently shooting as the opportunity arose when either speakers or Elders’ gatherings presented themselves. 

Not bound by tight schedules or distributor delivery dates, we were able to follow an intuitive path, listening to and following spiritual guidance as much as possible whilst developing the story that wanted to be told.



I’ll keep this short… for those who know me, this is not my best forte!  After months of hard work to get our film rough cut ready for an audience screening, Shanti Kiya and myself sat down and on a second rough cut, taking into account the feedback we received at the screenings. Having made about 350 changes, some small tweakings and some ruthless chopping, I decided to take a month out and take a rest. In this time… the FRACKERS came to town to a village near us.



Greetings to everyone who has been following the progress of Time of the Sixth Sun – the movie, and apologies for the lack of a newsletter update last month. We are a very small film production company and sometimes we just have to make hard decisions about where to put our focus. So with a rough cut around the corner, the last month has been spent in the edit, sweeping and selecting before weaving the threads of this breathtaking tapestry together.  I am happy to say that we are almost there with our first rough cut and audience feedback screening.

14th February 2013 – LOVE THYSELF

14th February 2013 – LOVE THYSELF

So here we are - St Valentines Day ... a day for celebrating lovers. But what about celebrating the love we have for ourselves? No really ... beyond elderflower champagne and raw chocolate pampering, I'm talking about the holy moly wake up call of a far deeper nature... by shifting the old patterns and beliefs held deep within our bodies, we can give our dna a total 'love all / serve all' makeover.