Greetings to everyone who has been following the progress of Time of the Sixth Sun – the movie, and apologies for the lack of a newsletter update last month. We are a very small film production company and sometimes we just have to make hard decisions about where to put our focus. So with a rough cut around the corner, the last month has been spent in the edit, sweeping and selecting before weaving the threads of this breathtaking tapestry together.  I am happy to say that we are almost there with our first rough cut and audience feedback screening. 

Sitting in front of our edit line day after day, you get to hear a lot of wisdom over and over again, and when I am challenged with something, I find myself referring more and more to what our elders would say in the same situation, and their words soothe and guide me in times of doubt.

Long term view, I have never doubted for a minute that this film will, with Spirit’s grace, make it’s way out there into the world but on a day to day basis I am sometimes faced with the scenario of ‘having a foot in both worlds’.  It’s a dilemma I know that many of us face in the world today.  We know on a soul level that everything is perfect in the moment it unfolds and that we already have everything we need and that sits comfortably with me… and yet on the human 3D level, there are weekly bills to meet and wages to pay and without financial abundance everything grinds to a halt. There are only so many times you can ask favours and expect crew to work for deferred payments or to exchange skills and favours…So that is what I sit with week to week.

 So in those moments,  I turn to my elders on the timeline for guidance… I ponder a while on the words of Tom Kenyon who asks “How can we live a divine life and become human at the same time”? and the response from Ruben Saufkie Snr of the Hopi Water Clan who says, “Just follow your heart, your prayers, but leave something in return, your gratitude”.

So with that,  I journey deep into that sacred heart space and sit there a while, listening to my breath.  In and out, ebbing and flowing, and I see the film breathing with me, a living organic being,  in and out – never missing a beat, always flowing. It has it’s own pace and timing.  Spirit timing.  And in those moments that I try to nudge her along, it is reflected back to me very quickly that surrender is the only true way forward. 

 Ya’Acov Darling Khan states that “earth and sky meet in the heart and that’s where we dream, that’s where we create from.”  Charles Eisenstein comments that “this process of dreaming, this process of inquiry attunes us to the field of that which wants to actually happen.” Drunvalo when contemplating whether the heart is a portal says, “Yes it’s a portal and inside the sacred space of the heart is a frequency that is older than creation.” So I begin to chant Om for a while, smiling inside as I feel the vibrations kiss every part of my being.

Remembering back to Ruben’s words once more, I pray for a while.  Maybe not in the way that we were taught to understand prayer but as the vision holder of the film I see all my needs being met and I linger in that place a while, indulgently enjoying the daydream and I just notice how I am feeling. How vibrant the cells of my body feel…. and sometimes I cry a little, releasing the niggling voice of self-doubt, letting go of the day’s stresses that have kept me small and tight, and slowly I feel myself expanding outward once more, as light streams through my body.

 Sadhguru wisely sums up this divine state by saying, “If your humanity overflows, divinity inevitably happens and becomes a living reality for you”.  I breathe and reconnect myself with the heart space again as Peter Owen-Jones’ words flood through me….  “Gratitude is the most beautiful doorway into the luminous and into the divine.”

Yes and that’s where I now sit… in total gratitude for all that has come before us on this journey with Time of the Sixth Sun.  To all those people who have donated and invested funds, both large and small amounts. To all the crew who have added their skills to our circle of filmmakers – cameramen, editors and production crew -  trainees, transcribers and loggers. All of this love has brought us to this point now in the present moment.

As I write this, I am aware that we are only a couple of weeks away from having a rough cut ready.  Wow….finally!   So this is what I am dreaming into being right now….

Enough funding to purchase the graphics and archive footage we need from Getty Images, to pay for a beautiful online editor to come on board to give the final ‘spit and polish’ the film needs in the form of grading and effects, and lastly our gorgeous sound designer who will come on board once the picture is ‘locked down’ to complete what is an amazing sonic tapestry for our sacred soundtrack. 

Will you all please join us and dream what we need into being. Let’s manifest in the plentiest.  WE CAN DO IT… YES WE CAN!

Finally I can see the funds needed to self-distribute this film and get it to the relevant film festivals and the funds to release this gift to those around the world who are ready to receive it.  My vision is to bring a few of the elders in the film over to the UK for the film’s release in order for them to share ceremony with us.

Remember, we can dream anything into being. If you resonate with what I have shared, and have faced these issues yourself, then please back that belief up with a donation to our completion fund by going to our website and clicking THE BUTTON.  Watch our 4 minute trailer on our homepage and go take a look at the other trailers, and endorsements for the film on our trailers page.